I Love. . .
The colors of a sunset in Albuquerque, NM.
Walking in Manhattan on a Saturday afternoon in August.
Red Velvet cupcakes with a dollop of frosting on top.
A sip of smooth bourbon as it warms my chest going down.
Crisp Ginger Snaps.
Lavendar lotion at bedtime.
The desert after a rain storm.
A very large sirloin steak, medium rare.
The view from the Laurel Street Bridge of the city lights of Downtown San Diego as the sun sets.
The feel of my throttle pulled back relentlessly.
Shopping in thrift stores.
The feel of real fur on my shoulders, especially mink.
Soft socks and my Hello Kitty Blanket.
Campbells Turkey Vegetable Soup.
Chai Tea with cardamom and honey.
Plays by Tennessee Williams and Screenplays by Billy Wilder
My husband's smile, his crooked teeth and the tips of his fingers.
Riding my motorcycle with wild abandon, laughing madly, for just a moment or two.
That my grandniece climbs on my motorcycle to ride it like it's her own, even though she isn't quite 2- years-old yet.
Jimi Hendrix lyrics and Elizabeth Barret Brownings' poems.
Jupiter by Holst.
The name Prudence.
The smell of my grandson's skin.
The sound of fiddles and banjos on the sidewalk in Knoxville, TN.
Holding my daughter when she comes to me for comfort.
Wearing turquoise, diamonds, sapphires, pearls, white gold and silver.
The laughter in my niece's home of she, her husband and her children.
Tacos, sushi, and fried chicken.
The song, My Funny Valentine.
Alaskan Malamutes and Bull Terriers.
A California beach on a rainy day.
Receiving an unexpected phone call from a friend, just to offer comfort and love.
Strong blue cheese with white truffle honey served with kalamata olives and roasted almonds.
Saying shocking things to people, but hoping I never offend them in the process.
The scent of Banana Bread cooking.
A long, warm oil, deep tissue massage.
The scent of star jasmine in the late afternoon.
Waking up early with energy on a day I'll be riding my motorcycle.
The purple that sets into the Rocky Mountains as the sun goes down.
The sound of a real silver spoon against a fine bone china tea cup.
Myself, my past, my future and my life, just as it is, right now.
This is Beautiful